
iPartner India, founded by Bina Rani in 2007, began a powerful learning journey in the philanthropy sector by offering an opportunity to the Asian diaspora in the UK to contribute towards creating a just and equal society in India.

We have grown to support high impact projects primarily in India, but also in the UK and in Nepal, through fundraising and capacity building efforts in India and the UK. We enable capacity building and resource mobilization in under-funded NGOs, working across a range of issues within the key social change verticals we have identified for our philanthropic, CSR and social intervention partnerships. Through our processes, we demonstrate to our donors and partners, the effectiveness of transparency and accountability in the work we do.

We work with individuals, families, CSR and business entities, organizations and entrepreneurs, across the philanthropy sector and the social sector. The desire to give back to society, to use one’s resources and expertise for catalyzing and sustaining long term social change, is fulfilled by people and organizations in many different ways. Some use personal, financial and material resources, investing those resources in social and developmental projects, others give of their time, experience and expertise, while still others, development professionals and social entrepreneurs, work at ground level on issues they hold close to their hearts, with communities and constituencies most closely involved in, influencing or dealing with those issues.

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Our vision is to create a more just and equitable India that fosters inclusion and non-discrimination – an India where poverty levels have been significantly reduced, where every person has equal opportunities and access to those opportunities, and where concern and compassion are extended to the environment and to all inhabitants of this planet.

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Our mission is to give voice to grassroots NGOs and inspire individuals & businesses to join efforts in creating a better India. Our team builds on years of experience, planning, managing and monitoring philanthropic investments – offering a platform where philanthropists and social change agents can meet, map and match expectations and goals creating long lasting change in India.
